Shipping and return policies for Epoch Tapes

Shipping Info
Shipping times are estimates only and not guaranteed. A business day is Monday to Friday, excluding Canada Post holidays. You must pay all shipping costs.

Canada - Canada Post - 1 to 10 Business Days
USA - Air mail - 5 to 8 Business Days
Australia - International - 4 to 6 weeks
East and Southeast Asia - International - 4 to 6 weeks
Europe (Western) - International - 4 to 6 weeks
Return Policy
If you are unsatisfied with our product for any reason, please first inquire at:

If you are still unsatisfied, please ship back to the return address.

If your package cannot be delivered because you have an incorrect or incomplete shipping address (examples: wrong postal code or not including the apartment number), or if you refuse the package, or it is unclaimed, Canada Post will return the package to us and bill us the cost. We can refund for the items returned and deduct the actual costs charged by Canada Post to ship the parcel back to us (note: we do not refund shipping charges). You may checkout again, but must correct the addressing error. Contact us for full details if you are in this situation.